This bundle includes: The spreadsheet, the cake pricing guide, the baking classes guide and the wedding cake guide at a discounted price to make it all in one!
Once you purchase this handbook, you will receive
- a detailed 25page PDF Cake Pricing guide
- cake pricing spreadsheet &
- a guide on how to use the spreadsheet
- a detailed 20page PDF Baking Classes guide
- a detailed 24page PDF Wedding Cakes guide
Via email.
Be sure to click PLACE ORDER after you make payment.
Once you receive the confirmation email, kindly download the file(s) using the link provided within seven (7) days, once the download link expires, we will not be able to resend the files.
When I started baking, there was little to no information that could help me on the business aspect. Most of the information I found was either limited or not transparent, therefore making it hard to grow my business. I decided that i would do my best to share my journey along with others and be truthful about it as well.
Wangechi Kimata
Hi, my name is Wangechi, and I am baker! One of my life's passions is to teach and inspire more and more individuals with my gift or talent, and to also share my journey with you.